
Saturday Oct 21, 2023
Stop Seismic Testing on Southern Sea Country with Zoë Brittain
Saturday Oct 21, 2023
Saturday Oct 21, 2023
This week we are discussing Seismic testing with Zoe Brittain a PhD researcher in marine science focusing on seaweed, A 'Stop Seismic Blasting on Southern Sea Country' protest organsier and avid disliker of trees (sick with us, it's a good reason)
We discuss the impacts of Seismic blasting on marine life, Indigenous culture, local industry and the "consultation" process.
Join Zoë and everyone from Stop Seismic Testing
Date: October 22, 2023
Time: 2pm - approx 3:15
Location: Warrnambool Breakwater, 61 Viaduct Road Warrnambool.
For more information:
Great Southern Ocean Resistance: https://www.melbournefoe.org.au/join_the_great_ocean_resistance
This podcast was recorded on stolen land.

Monday Sep 04, 2023
Albo’s Performance Review with Sam Castro
Monday Sep 04, 2023
Monday Sep 04, 2023
It's been over a year since Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese's "historic" victory speech, so let's see what Albo and the Labor party have been up to. Federal ICACs, weaponising his Mum's struggles and licking the boots of mining conglomerates.
Leah is joined by Sam Castro from WACA & Friends of The Earth for this gentle performance review, slight fashion review and over view of the issues surrounding electoral politics.
(We don't talk about the Voice to Parliament on purpose. Many smarter, funnier Indigenous folk are doing that particularly Clothing the Gaps will have one up soon I beleive follow them here for more https://www.clothingthegaps.com.au/pages/yarns )

Tuesday Apr 18, 2023
Women Life Freedom pt 2: Say Her Name
Tuesday Apr 18, 2023
Tuesday Apr 18, 2023
CW: femicide, kidnapping, mentions of rape, murder, gendered violence, state violence,
In this episode Leah is joined by Nazanin and Hoda from Feminista Melbourne to discuss the Feminist Uprising in Iran, the history of the Islamic Republic and what how we as a feminist community to support the movement.
Photo credit: @Feminsta.Melbourne

Wednesday Apr 12, 2023
Women Life Freedom: Pt 1 Freedom for Iran with Nazanin & Hoda
Wednesday Apr 12, 2023
Wednesday Apr 12, 2023
CW: femicide, kidnapping, mentions of rape, murder, gendered violence, state violence,
In this episode Leah is joined by Nazanin and Hoda from Feminista Melbourne to discuss the Feminist Uprising in Iran, the history of the Islamic Republic and what how we as a feminist community to support the movement.
Photo credit: @Feminsta.Melbourne
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/feminista.melbourne/
Mentioned in the episode:
Two Women https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0212573/reviews
Reading Lolita in Tehran https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/7603.Reading_Lolita_in_Tehran
Little Black Fish https://cmes.arizona.edu/sites/cmes.arizona.edu/files/e.%20The%20Little%20Black%20Fish%20-%20story_0.pdf

Thursday Feb 02, 2023
Abortion pt 2: The Political feat Madison Griffiths and Jackie Daytona
Thursday Feb 02, 2023
Thursday Feb 02, 2023
CW mentions of abuse, assualt, forced birth and state violence.
Welcome to part two of Leah and Madison telling forced birthers to suck it. Madison is an author, writer, producer and artist.
They are talking about abortion and in this episode we (mostly) hone in on the roe v wade decision, polictical system that governs, surveils and abuses us - in a totally normal and legal way of course.
As Leah is known for partaking in the cheeky, they have retained a lawyer, Jackie Daytona. Leah and Jackie discuss the court system, precidents and what needs to be done in a legal sense to ensure safe and enduring access to abortion, contraceptives and aftercare.
To find Madison's articles: https://www.madisonrgriffiths.com/
More on MSI Australia: https://www.msiaustralia.org.au/
If you're wanting an abortion and are in finacial hardship: https://www.msiaustralia.org.au/our-services/what-will-it-cost/financial-hardship-and-referral-pathways/
Children by Choice: https://www.childrenbychoice.org.au/
For information on sexual health, pregnancy options and contraception: https://www.1800myoptions.org.au/

Thursday Feb 02, 2023
Abortion Pt 1: The Personal with Madison Griffiths interview with Polly
Thursday Feb 02, 2023
Thursday Feb 02, 2023
CW mentions of abuse, assualt, forced birth and state violence.
Jumping straight back in to 2023 with a hefty two parter on abortion.
Leah is joined by author, writer, producer and artist Madison Griffiths as they discuss the personal aspects of abortion access. The socioeconomical and emotional impacts on access as well as the implict right to bodily autonomy. We go through some of the stories forced birthers tell us with a fine tooth comb and it turns out its pretty nonsense. We too were shocked.
We also speak to Polly, an activist who fought for abortion access in Argentina and speaks about the ongoing struggle.
To find Madison's articles: https://www.madisonrgriffiths.com/
Follow Polly on instagram: @p0llypalci0s
Follow the National Campaign for safe access to abortion in Argentina @CampAbortoLegal

Tuesday Apr 05, 2022
Feminist Baddies with Celeste Liddle
Tuesday Apr 05, 2022
Tuesday Apr 05, 2022
This episode we have a chat with Celeste Liddle, Arrernte woman, activist, writer, speaker and the new latest Greens candidate for Cooper.
We talk about their motivation for running, “feedback” from Labor members, racism, white feminism, covid, policy platforms, keeping an eye on the cops and the price of lollies.
To support Celeste:
For more from Tom Tanuki:
This podcast was recorded on stolen land.

Sunday Mar 13, 2022
Cupcakes & Crumbs: The Patriarchal Bargain
Sunday Mar 13, 2022
Sunday Mar 13, 2022
Patriarchal bargain - what is it and who does it benefit?
CW: mentions of sexual abuse, rape, misogny, transphobia, racism, systemic abuse, suicidal ideation, self harm.
Leah and Steph try and understand the rationale of women who work within this patriarchal system, the benefits and the costs - to not just them but women and gender diverse folk across the continent.
Mentioned in the podcast:

Thursday Feb 17, 2022
Religious Discrimination Bill Pt 2 feat Gala Vanting from Scarlet Alliance
Thursday Feb 17, 2022
Thursday Feb 17, 2022
Well that was a wild ride. Welcome to Religious Descrimination Bill part 2: Dead Bill Walking. We discuss the bill, death rattles, conspiracies and of course, abolishment of the state. (Steph tries to talk reason with Leah with no avail). We are very privledged to be joined by Gala Vanting, Program Manager at Scarlet Alliance - The national peak sex worker organisation on this continent.
For more information about Scarlet Alliance: https://www.scarletalliance.org.au/
To make a submission to QLDs anti discrimination Act review (due 1st March) https://twitter.com/DecrimQLD/status/1490919714213998592?s=20&t=jJi1cbCtXAmXrdAnLTJa6A
To support Women For Australia, an organisation providing a platform for progressive independent women candidates in the upcoming election: https://www.womenforaustralia.com.au/

Wednesday Feb 09, 2022
Religious Discrimination feat Alastair Lawrie Pt 1
Wednesday Feb 09, 2022
Wednesday Feb 09, 2022
Hey kids, it's been a while but you know there is nothing quite like some bipartisan transphobia to force us to get a wriggle on.
CW for homophobia, transphobia, misogny, mentions of suicide and self harm.
We discuss the implications of the Religious Discrimination Bill if it passes without amendments, the discrimination laws that will be reversed in the name of religious discrimination and we have a chat about passages in the Bible which this discrimination is alledgedly justified.
We speak with Alastair Lawrie from Public Interest Advocacy Centre who out lines the bill and discusses the wide reaching and potentially devesating "statement of belief"
Call, write and email your senators, let them know this bill can not go through in it's current form. .
More from Alaistar Lawrie